The A List

“Attitude” is the primary element for an A+ Influencer.


Let’s look together what are the do & don’ts for an A+ Influencer!

Hellooo A-Listers!! We know that “religion issue” is currently trending on social media as there’s an overseas influencer who starts her meal with “Bismillah” without feeling any guilt even though her meal is pork. Due to that matter, her action caught the media’s attention as this is a serious and sensitive matter. As a Muslim, she shouldn’t  do that at the very first place as it is not proper for people to watch, especially younger kids as we all know that youngsters love to imitate influencer’s attitudes, actions and manners. As an Influencer, she should demonstrate and influence people out there to do good things, have a good attitude, share with them positive vibes, etc.

Here, The A-List Malaysia always prioritizes the quality of our influencers as these influencers will get connected to our clients. We group our Influencers as an A+ Influencers which they need to have these elements. The first one is they need to have a responsibility in working efficiently, then must follow the guidelines given without any mistake, fast in responding to messages, be aware of their own niche to stay on the right track and have good engagements. To set a higher expectation, we must undergo the process of searching for a good quality of influencers, then everything will go smoothly as planned.

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