The A List

Let’s see and explore our unique culture here!


The A-List Malaysia has a different and unique culture but why did we say so?

Hellooo A-Listers!! In this segment, we will look and explore how The A-List Malaysia masters start their day and what makes our advertising agency different from the others. We will start our day with a morning meeting with the Boss and update our previous progress and the upcoming task to make sure everything will run smoothly throughout the day. This kind of meeting will be held every single day so everyone will focus on every role. To us, that is what we call as a team! We work together, we succeed together!

Another unique activity we have here is we often have lunch together with officemates to build our bond stronger day by day and we will share our thoughts with each other. Kinda a good environment isn’t it? Based on the employee, we can unanimously say that our boss is a family oriented person because whenever an emergency happens regarding a family, he will make sure we focus on our family first until everything settles down. “Give and take” is the best word that we can use to describe our company’s culture.

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